The AT015(1) Freight Modeling Subcommittee, which is a part of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) AT015 Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics Committee, developed this primer on freight modeling under the leadership of subcommittee chair Dr. Monique Stinson. The complete list of contributors is in the below Recommended Citation. The goal of this primer is to provide information about freight transportation models, including how they are developed and how they are used. The scope of this primer is freight transportation demand models that are typically used in public sector applications to support decision-making at the local, regional, state, or national levels.
Introduction: What Freight Models Are Used For
Example Planning Applications of Freight Models
A Primer for Decision-Makers: How to Use Freight Models
Freight Model Essentials For Planners and Policy Analysts
Freight Modeling: Advanced Materials for Modelers
Recommended Citation:
Stinson, M., Sharma, S., Strauss-Wieder, A., Tavasszy, L., Gliebe, J., Shabani, K., Bricka, S., Zietlow, B., Berndt, M., Zingler, F., Allu, K. (2024). Freight Models: A Primer. Transportation Research Board Freight Transportation and Logistics Committee (AT015), Freight Modeling Subcommittee (AT015(1)).