FHWA Freight Office Resources Publication titleSubject Area(s)Project ManagerFreight Data Guide for ImprovedTransportation PlanningFreight Data, Freight PlanningJeff PurdyNational Coalition on Truck Parking2018 Working Groups ActivityReportTruck Parking, Freight PlanningTiffany JulienJeff PurdyFreight Performance MeasurePrimerFreight Transportation PerformanceJeff PurdyResearch, Development, andApplication of Methods to UpdateFreight Analysis Framework Out-of-Scope Commodity Flow Data andTruck Payload FactorsFreight DataBirat PandeyStatus of the Nation’s Highways,Bridges, and Transit Conditions andPerformance: 23rd Edition: Part III:Highway Freight Transportation –Report to CongressFreight Transportation Performance, Freight DemandChandra BondzieUnited States – EuropeanCommission Urban Freight TwinningInitiative: Compendium of ProjectSummaries, Volume II: Overview of2018-2019 International UrbanFreight RoundtablesFreight Deliveries, Freight PlanningTamiko BurnellImproving Border Crossing Planningand Decision-Making in WhatcomCounty, Washington, and BritishColumbia, CanadaBorder Crossing, Freight PlanningTiffany JulienImproving Mobility at the U.S./Canada Border through Border Wait Time Data-Sharing: the Buffalo-Niagara Falls RegionBorder Crossing, Freight PlanningTiffany JulienTruck Freight Bottleneck Reporting GuidebookFreight Transportation Performance, Freight DemandJeff PurdyFreight and Land Use Travel Demand Evaluation: Final ReportFreight DemandJeff PurdyFreight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement HandbookFreight Demand, Freight DataJeff PurdyPrimer for Improved Urban Freight Mobility and Delivery Operations, Logistics, and Technology StrategiesFreight Deliveries, Freight PlanningTamiko Burnell